I.D.D.A.V Public School (Senior Secondary)

The School Is Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

About School  
I.D.D.A.V. Public School was established in April, 1987 as a bead in the rosary of D.A.V. Public Schools run by D.A.V. College Managing Committee, New Delhi, the largest Non – Governmental organisation in the field of Public School Education.  The sole objective is to impart quality education on modern lines to the coming generations so as to equip them with the knowledge and temperament essential to shoulder the responsibilities of the Scienctific age.
In this age of competition, life is full of challenges at every step, so the main aim of the school is an all round, integrated development of the child.  The school aims not only at academic excellence, but emphasis is laid on character building, manners, etiquettes and duty consciousness.  We aim to impart education which is a happy blending of our ancient thought and culture and ideas of modernity.  We try to develop a rational and scientific out look on life and  a thirst for knowledge.

The school is a  Senior Secondary School affiliated to CBSE New Delhi.  Though the medium of instruction is English but emphasis is laid on Hindi and Sanskrit also.  The class room in our school is no longer a dull place with a monotonous routine in which the child is at the receiving end, the teacher at the giving end.  On the other hand, the classroom vibrates with vigour and vitality where the teacher employs activity – oriented methods and makes use of other audio – visual aids like tape – records, lingua phone, computer, LCD etc.


A wide exposure to non – academic subjects guide children to holistic learning patterns & wide perspectives.  Regular workshops on a variety of topics adds to the exciting journey of the learning years.   Co – curricular activities form an integral part of the daily routine of our students.
Music , Dance, Art and Craft, Sport, dramatics, Elocution and a host of other hobbies have been introduced in the school to develop aesthetic sense, creativity and emotional harmony in the students.  These activities continue throughout the session and various competitions are organized.  To develop a sense of healthy competition, the whole school is divided into four Houses i.e. Rose, Pansy, Lotus and Lily.  All the Houses are actively involved in the smooth and systemic functioning of the school.  The performance of each House is regularly observed and assessed and the best House is honored at the annual function.  Visits to places of importance are planned so that the students can get first hand experience of the place. 


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Near Royal Palm Banquet Hall,
Dabra Road Hisar, Haryana
E-Mail : [email protected]

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